华 北 电 力 大 学 数 理 学 院
【讲座题目】Strange duality conjecture and finite Quot schemes
【报告人简介】林胤榜博士毕业于美国东北大学,现为同济大学助理教授。他的研究领域是代数几何,研究方向是向量丛的模空间以及它在数学物理等领域中的应用。他的主要工作发表在Pacific J of Math和Adv in Math上。
【讲座内容简介】I will first briefly review the moduli theory of sheaves over algebraic surfaces and Le Potier's strange duality conjecture. According to Marian-Oprea's strategy towards the conjecture over curves, an important step is to count certain finite Quot schemes. We propose to relate them to moduli spaces of limit stable pairs and study its virtual geometry. This has been successful in some cases. This is joint work with Thomas Goller.