【讲座题目】Dynamical magneto-rotational instability
【时 间】北京时间2023.12.2(周六)10:00-10:55
【地 点】 腾讯会议号码:297-598-559
【主 讲 人】 林治武
林治武,1973年出生,本科毕业于北京大学、硕士毕业于日本东京大学,在美国布朗大学取得博士学位,并在著名的应用数学研究中心美国纽约大学柯朗应用数学研究所做博士后研究,现任美国乔治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)数学系终身教授。主要研究领域:数学物理与偏微分方程、流体动力学稳定性及不稳定性理论。在数学学科顶级杂志《Inventiones Mathematicae》、数学物理学科一流杂志《Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics》、《Communications in Mathematical Physics》和《Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis》等发表多篇研究论文。
Magneto-rotational instability (MRI) is an important instability mechanism for rotating flows with magnetic field. In particular, when the strength of the magnetic field tends to zero, the stability criterion for rotating flow is different from the classical Rayleigh criterion for rotating flow without magnetic field. MRI had found many physical applications, for example in the explanation of turbulence and momentum transport in accretion disks. We gave a rigorous proof of linear MRI and a description of the complete spectra and the exponential trichotomy of the semigroup. Moreover, we prove nonlinear stability and instability from the linear criteria. This is a joint work with Yucong Wang and Wenpei Wu.