【讲座题目】Generalized tracial approximation and crossed products by group actionswith certainRokhlinproperty
【主 讲 人】方小春教授
【主讲人简介】方小春,安徽安庆人,同济大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师。1993年复旦大学数学研究所博士毕业, 1995年中国科学院数学研究所博士后出站。长期从事C*代数及其动力系统的结构与分类相关问题研究,曾主持国家自然科学基金8项,研究成果在J FUNCT ANAL、 ERGOD THEOR DYN SYST等杂志发表。
【讲座内容简介】We recall the notion of generalized tracial approximation introduced several years ago. The notion both generalizes Phillips's centrally large subalgebras and generalizes tracial approximation. We give some hereditary properties of generalized tracial approximation C*-algebras. Some results are new, and some results were obtained previously. Many interesting C*-algebras can be described as suitable crossed products by group actions such as the irrational algebras A_θ. It is natural to ask which properties of the original algebra can be passed to the crossed product C*-algebra. In this talk we will outline some of our previous research on the weak tracialRokhlin property for finite group actions. And we will also discuss some permanence properties of crossed products by compact group actions with the tracialRokhlin property.