【讲座题目】New method of monitoring the charge transfer dynamics in resonant Auger spectra
【主 讲 人】Faris Gelmukhanov教授
【讲座时间】2024年8月4日 星期日下午13:30-14:30
【主讲人简介】瑞典皇家工学院教授,主要从事X射线科学、非线性光学和激光动力学领域的研究,已在Review of Modern Physics、Nature Physics、Nature Photonics、PNAS、PRL等具有重要国际影响力的学术期刊发表论文270余篇。
【讲座内容简介】Charge transfer is at the heart of a wide variety of fields, including bioscience, physical chemistry and nanotechnology. The control of charge transfer dynamics requires for a localization of initial electronic wave packet. This can be achieved by X-ray sources allowing for element-specific excitation in the charge transfer band. The widely used tool to measure the charge transfer time is the “core-hole clock” (CHC) technique with reference time equal to the core-hole lifetime. We suggest a new method to study ultrafast charge transfer dynamics based on the Fano theory modified and applied to the analysis of the frequency dependence of the area of the RAS profile and its broadening. We apply this new method to extract the charge transfer time from our recent measurement of the KLL Auger spectra of sulphur in thiophene-based polymers. We compare our method with the CHC technique which has serious drawbacks and demonstrate advantages of the suggested method which provides the alternative and cheap technique in comparison with the direct time resolved XFEL measurements in attosecond time domain.