【讲座时间】2021年12月 6日 14:30-15:30
【腾讯会议】ID:890 132 773
【报告人简介】胡金牛于2011年获得日本大阪大学博士学位。先后在日本大阪大学、日本理化学研究所、北京大学、德国于利希研究中心开展博士后及访问学者研究,2014年开始受聘于南开大学物理科学学院从事教学科研工作。迄今为止在Physics Letters B、Astrophysical Journal以及Physical Review C等期刊发表论文50余篇。研究方向为原子核结构理论及其应用,主要包括利用现实核力从第一性原理出发研究原子核的基本性质;核子结构对原子核性质的影响;格点QCD理论在核物理中的应用;中子星的基本性质以及奇异原子核性质。
The neutron star as the most compact object in the universe can be considered a natural laboratory of condensed matter in extreme conditions.It is the rest of a star after a supernova explosion and consists of atmosphere, outer crust, inner crust, outer core, and inner core,whose properties are strongly dependent on nuclear physics.Recently,with the developments of observational techniques in the field of astronomy, the golden era of neutron-star physics has arrived.In this seminar, I will shortly introduce the nuclear physics and our studies in the neutron star structure with various nuclear many-body models.We mainly discuss the effects of symmetry energy, magnetic field, and finite temperature on the neutron-star inner crust and the basic properties of the neutron star,such as mass, radius, and tidal deformability. Finally, I will show our recent results about the possible hadron-quark phase transition in the neutron star.